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Primary Years Programme

Primary Years Programme

Personal, Social and Emotional Development:  Development of life and self-help skills, habit formation, cooperation, social relationships, group interaction, pro-social behavior, expression of Feelings, and acceptance of others’ feelings are some of the skills and values that are addressed in the early gears are the most significant for human growth, development, and learning.
Language Development:  Language development is crucial in primary years since it provides the foundation for later learning. It includes listening and comprehension, oral skills. vocabulary development
Appreciation of Creativity:  We attempt to create an environment where learner gets an opportunity to explore different art forms, develop natural taste and interest for it and stort appreciating for artistic, dance/drama, and musical activities.
Cognitive Development:  It refers to the processes of knowing and understanding the environment around us. Cognitive Development includes number concepts as well as knowledge and skills related to comparison, classification, critical thinking, observing and problem solving.